2007 Reports

Last updated: Sunday, 28 October, 2007

Not A Flat Half!

Event: The Nationwide Swindon Half Marathon 2007
Time: 11:00am
Date: Sunday, 14 October 2007
Venue: Swindon

Conditions: Warm with some sunshine

I arrived at Swindon on Sunday very much looking forward to the race ahead. It was part of a group of races that included a 5 mile multi–terrain race and a 2 mile fun run for families.

The pre–race information was excellent, all contained in a small book, and backed up by the race web site: www.swindonhalfmarathon.co.uk.

Nick Portsmouth fresh as a daisy!The large car park was a 5–minute walk from the start area and the first thing that struck me when I arrived at the start was the large number of portaloos, with no queues!!

There were also two supervised baggage lorries which I thought was a nice touch, together with free bottles of water & Lucozade Sport for those that wanted it (– Lucozade were one of the sponsors).

The race started spot on 11:00am and I began running up the first hill, well, incline. Just as I got to the first mile marker, I was approached by a female runner who asked where the Harriers are based, as she lives in Longcot, not too far from the White Horse. I told her where we train on Tuesdays & Thursdays and the web site name. It obviously pays to wear the club vest and perhaps we’ll gain a new member.

After mile 1, the course went down hill, along the Marlborough Road. At this point I thought “I must leave something in the tank for when we run back up it later”.

At the bottom of Marlborough Road, the route headed out into the Wiltshire countryside and we passed the first of 6 water and 2 Lucozade Sport stations. There was also the first of a number of portaloos that were dotted around the course. A bonus for the female runners I’m sure.

After going under the A419, we ran around a small loop and ran over the M4 and headed up towards the Ridgeway. Before going over the M4, there were a few spectators, some of whom were being interviewed by Radio Wiltshire. There was also a lady holding a large tub of Jelly Babies. Very welcoming.

Nick Portsmouth with the end in sight.The route to the Ridgeway passed through Badbury where my most memorable spectators were. The residents of a small care home were sat in their wheelchairs beside the road, with their carers, and were giving some nice support.

We then got to highest point on the course, just below the Ridgeway, where the course levelled out, or so I thought. There was a fantastic view of the surrounding countryside stretching out below us.

The course continued to undulate for a couple of miles before going back across the M4 and down the steepest hill on the course into Wanborough. Support was very good here as we rounded a sharp bend and headed back towards Swindon, past the Jelly Baby lady again. The route then passed through Liddington and up a fairly short but winding and steep hill.

The final 3.5 miles or so were the reverse of the first part of the course, and included the run up Marlborough Road for about three quarters of a mile. At the bottom of that hill, some kind souls were handing out apple and banana segments which were most welcome.

The final half–mile was down hill. I always like to do a sprint finish, if possible, because it looks good and makes me feel good. I was pleased with my time (1:56:57), which was about my average for the distance, and I came 567th in a field of 1058.

All–in–all this was an excellent event with a challenging course which I would thoroughly recommend.

Nick Portsmouth